ROSSMAX – Just a heartbeat away
The company is committed to the Indian sub continent and it works hand in hand with the needs of society for a healthy India and adjoining region
Rossmax, a leader in the global healthcare market, is committed to developing and supplying premium products and solutions with supreme technologies on a top quality level.
Rossmax’s business fields are prevention, monitoring, therapy. Its product and service portfolio consists of healthcare products in the field of fitness, obesity, hypertension, respiratory care, fever management, hot and pain therapy, wound healing as well as sleep disorder. The products are distributed in more than 50 countries and are clinically validated and approved based on latest quality standards. With the only fully integrated factory in the industry, the company prides itself as having world class manufacturing capabilities and end-to-end process controls. From pioneering research and product development to highly efficient manufacturing, shipping and logistics, its operational excellence is a crucial key to the success.
International certification
Internal and local validations as well as proofs from well recognised institutions (such as BHS – British Hypertension Society, ESH – European Society of Hypertension) confirm the accuracy, safety, stability, reliability and high performance of the entire product range. The Rossmax blood pressure monitors can be fully recommended for an application in the pregnant population too. Since 1988, Rossmax is committed to strive for the best technologies in each business field. Providing value for the customer’s specific need is the key driver in inventing patented solutions.
Rossmax does not compromise on fulfilling the highest quality standards and proofing the results through outstanding clinical validations. The formal healthcare system has become increasingly stressed. Patients discharged from hospitals and other healthcare facilities still need care. As a consequence, both laypeople and professional caregivers are making use of a wide variety of technologies, some of them quite complex, in non-institutional settings to manage their own health, assist others with healthcare, or receive assistance with health management. These technologies provide support not only for care related to acute and chronic medical conditions but also for disease prevention and lifestyle choices.
At Rossmax constant up gradation of features is a continuous process says Ashish Zutshi, Director, India Subcontinent Region, Rossmax International. Sales being the first step but not the last. We try to provide excellent after sales service and are committed to build a long-term relationship with entire business channels. Rossmax follows a dynamic global after sales service policy. The company is committed to the Indian sub continent and it works hand in hand with the needs of society for a healthy India and adjoining region.
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