Express Healthcare

Dr Sunita Maheshwari: Thriving on challenge

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Who has been your sources of inspiration, your role models?

Sunita Maheshwari

Sources of inspiration have been those continuously doing good for the world e.g. other doctors, people working in NGOs in remote parts of India and Africa and so on.

Women can thrive in a man’s world without having to change who they are. Do you agree?

Yes, as long as one is comfortable with oneself and the differences with men, one can thrive without having to change. It is essential though to be confident of one’s abilities and proud of one’s differences!

Describe your journey to the top. Has it been difficult?

Difficult? Yes and no. Yes, because it involved long hours of work, being ‘on’ 365 days, constantly needing to think and innovate. No, because it was exhilarating! Taking an idea and making it work is immensely satisfying.

Straight from the heart
Delegate but supervise! I constantly look to do new things or the old things better.

I believe we need to be open to do things differently. Find a need, and fulfil it-one can call it innovation, but the more the number of people trying to fulfil those needs, the more everybody benefits from the system. The more we give and share, the more comes back to us. I want to think of bigger and better ways to give and to inspire others to give.

At a personal level, do you maintain a good work-life balance?

I did not (maintain a work-life balance) in the early years of my career when I was a ‘workaholic’. However, as my kids grew and expressed their discontent with my lack of life balance, I readjusted my scales and yes, now I can say I maintain good work-life balance. Once I decided to work on this, I was able to readjust my schedule to make it happen. When they were young I took them to my weekend conferences. Now, as a doctor cum entrepreneur I moved my clinic to an appointment basis and do my entrepreneurial meetings in a way that I can have evenings with the family and then do work before and after.

Do you think the business landscape in India is changing for women?

Yes, there seems to be more interest among women in starting and running businesses and more notice taken of the ones that do. To some extent, being an entrepreneur is liberating for a woman-one can choose the hours to work, where to work from and so on. Hence can actually achieve a good life-work balance!

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