‘’Accreditation and standardisation are the key to succeed in medical tourism’’

With healthcare costs in the developed countries reaching the skies, India is now emerging as one of the world’s most cost-efficient medical tourism destinations and thus, attained a position among the global leaders. According to a report published by RNCOS, India’s share in the global medical tourism industry will reach around three per cent by the end of 2013. Varsha Lafargue, Founder and Chairperson, IMTCA and i-Transition Worldwide speaks about the booming medical tourism industry on the global front and in India, in conversation with Raelene Kambli

What are the major reasons for the increase in medical tourism in recent years?

Varsha Lafargue

While medical tourism is a newly coined industry; it has been prevalent since ancient times. In 4000 B.C., the Sumerians constructed the earliest known health complexes alongside mineral water springs that included elevated temples and flowing pools.

There are several factors that drive individuals to seek medical tourism or healthcare travel. Some travel because there are little or no healthcare facilities in their own countries; some travel because the costs of healthcare is very high in their own countries and others travel because they have long waiting periods to get medical specialists. While the most common factor is cost of healthcare; the majority is to avail higher quality healthcare that is not available to them within their own geographical boundaries.

What is the medical tourism scenario on the global front?

Medical tourism has become a major source of national income in many countries. While countries like Israel, Jordan, etc. have limited natural resources, the revenue contribution through medical tourism towards their GDP’s is substantial and growing. Jordan enjoys five per cent of their GDP from medical tourism and Israel’s is in growing double digit figures. Moreover,  medical tourism has really become a major industry in the past few years. More steps are taken to document the needs and requirements of the World Patient TM. Countries like Turkey, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Costa Rica, etc., have certainly gained a headway in establishing a structured growth for this industry to prosper in their respective domains.

Where does India stand on the global medical tourism map? Which are the factors that attract medical tourists to India?

India plays a very important place in the medical tourism industry. Currently, the volume in terms of patients and the turnover from medical tourism in the country is $35 billion approximately The growth potential projected for the medical tourism industry in India for the next year is approximately 30 per cent cumulative .

A few reasons for its importance are:

  • India is the largest democracy in this world
  • India is an English speaking country
  • India offers both traditional and alternative healthcare practices
  • Indian doctors have proven their skills globally and are well known for their excellent credentials and hard working nature
  • India also offers lower costs for healthcare treatment and hence is more competitive

What according to you is the USP of medical tourism industry in India?

There are several driving forces which make individuals to avail healthcare overseas; a predominant reason for them to consider India would be the affordability factor and the alternative medicines practices. The Ayurveda and Yoga have been other attractions for centuries.

Which country do you think is India’s biggest competitor in medical tourism?

There are several reasons why healthcare tourists seek a particular destination for a procedure.

The less ‘intense’ or ‘cosmetic’ procedures are subject to higher cost savings, both through procedural and travel costs.

The more ‘serious’ procedures require the availability of technology, skill, access and affordability.

Countries such as Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc. and others are European destinations which offer similar attractive cost packages coupled with tourism attractions, and are stepping forward in an organised way.

As per the current market scenario, which hospitals and states in India are leading the growth of medical tourism? What are the key trends in the sector?

There are many corporate and non-corporate hospitals across India that cater to medical tourism. While a handful of them are practicing International standards, others simply stumble upon them due to their creative marketing.

Moroever, accreditation and standardisation are the key to succeed in medical tourism. Apart from this, engaging in best practices and transparency in healthcare are also crucial.

What would be the major deterrents for the growth of medical tourism in India? How can we overcome them?

The major source of success for countries enjoying the major share of medical tourist population (in terms of revenue) have been adopting evaluation, accreditation and compliance practice that are necessary to sustain a structured growth, lack of which can be detrimental to any nation.

What are the key regulations and policies concerning medical tourism in India?

A medical visa has been introduced which can be given for a specific purpose to foreign tourist coming to India for medical treatment. This visa is issued to a patient with a companion for a period of one year. It can be extended up to three years subject to terms, conditions and recommendations from the accredited medical authorities.

The ban of commercial organ transplantation in medical tourism to protect the locals is commendable.


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