Dr Indira Hinduja: Pioneering progress

Dr Hinduja, you are a pioneer in IVF. How have times changed in this arena since you helped deliver the first test tube baby in this country?

Dr Indira Hinduja

From delivering first test tube baby in 1986, progress has been multifold. Not only the techniques been refined but experience and awareness have increased. We can detect the indication as well as improve the outcome of IVF with advanced techniques such as pretested media, use of disposable tubes etc. Nowadays the indications of IVF are also expanded making use of IVF so common.

Because of better research the ability to identify the quality as well as potential of eggs and sperms is improved, resulting in higher success rate of IVF pregnancies making the method cost effective.

IVF in India, is still an area fraught with challenges. What can be done to ensure that it becomes more regulated and safe?

With the proper knowledge, complications of IVF are much less. ICMR- the highest scientific research body is trying to lay down guidelines and regulations, not only to prevent but also to manage the complications of IVF. Such regularisation will not only prevent malpractices but also help patients have better knowledge about the procedure, egg donation and surrogacy. This will also help in improving outcome in terms of health of mother and health of child.

Straight from the heart
Women should be aware of the importance of maintaining good health. The government of India needs to be more proactive in providing better facilities. Healthcare services should take initiative to spread more awareness about her health should conduct programmes, health camps, check ups as well as raise funds.

What would be on your wishlist for women professionals in healthcare? It could be specific to your area of experience/work or general.

As far as I am concerned ‘respect’ is the foremost aspect, she deserves.

Her self confidence needs to be boosted. Not only educating her is of prime importance but making her aware of her rights in her health, security , safety should be encouraged.


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