Infant successfully treated for cancer through unrelated stem cell transplant in Karnataka

Narayana Hrudayalaya–Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre, Bangalore informed that they have successfully treated a six-month old girl suffering from infantile leukaemia through ‘Unrelated stem cell transplantation’. Dr Sharath Damodar, Consultant Haematologist and Head – Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Narayana Hrudayalaya-Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre diagnosed the baby with acute lymphatic leukaemia, when she was evaluated for a low blood count and was started on chemotherapy. As this particular leukaemia carries an extremely poor prognosis at this age group with the survival rate as low as 10 per cent, stem cell transplantation was the only possibility. A worldwide search was initiated as it was difficult to find a donor for stem cells in India (the baby being the only child). After a period of two to three months, a matched unrelated donor from US was identified (from the registry of National Marrow donor program) and the stem cells reached Narayana Hrudayalaya in Bangalore on the day of Christmas.

Dr Sharath Damodar, Consultant Haematologist and HOD, Bone Marrow Transplant, Narayana Hrudayalaya explained about the importance of ‘Stem Cell donation’. He said, “In India, it is very difficult to find a donor for stem cells. People were dependent on donors from USA and Europe to get such donors. We need to inspire people around the country to come forward for stem cell donation, which is a little more than blood donation and can save several lives.”

Stem cell transplant is a process by which new cells are introduced into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. This has shown promise in treating various kinds of diseases, including few types of cancers. Infantile leukaemia is one such type of cancer that can be treated through transplant without any repercussion. Bone Marrow Transplant unit at Narayana Hrudayalaya–Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre, Bangalore, has a large and advanced unit with about 14 dedicated rooms for stem cell therapy.

The baby’s parents expressed their sigh of relief when their only child was treated well at such a tender age. Abhijeet, the baby’s father said, “I’m very thankful to Narayana Hrudayalaya, especially Dr Damodar who brought my child back to life. The stem cell came to us at the right time and gave my daughter a new life. I take this opportunity to request everyone to donate stem cells as it can help provide life to others.”

This successful case of the little girl is expected to give a new hope of life for many such children who are suffering from infantile leukaemia.

EH News Bureau

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