Pain Management: A matter of trust

The world of medicines is evolving swiftly. Pain can be complex and varied, driven by a number of unique factors and affects every individual differently. From neuropathic pains to chronic ones that last longer, soft tissue to acute, the way medical industry apprehends pain has changed significantly.

With new advances, the market is now equipped with effective solutions that promise quick relief for chronic pains. Research based companies with their unabating appetite for innovation have customised treatments for patients, making pain management smarter, safer. In many cases, patients do not want to take a risk with a new formulation, which is also why they tend to go back to the same prescriptions. Experts have asserted that certain innovative molecules have consistently resulted in better patient outcomes, smarter pain management, shorter recovery times, increased clinical utility and efficacy.

A case in point is Diclofenac. “Diclofenac has been the molecule of choice for millions not just in India, but around the world. In fact, clinical experience has revealed that Diclofenac is the gold standard in pain management. There are trusted orals, topicals, and injectables in the Diclofenac range which I have prescribed to my patients for many years. The molecule has given predictable results in the past,” shares Dr GVP Subbaiah, Spine Surgeon, Star Hospital, Hyderabad. Brands have been relying on Diclofenac for years and the market is now equipped with practical solutions that promise quick relief for chronic/different types of pains.

“Long-standing brands are reliable as they come with years of experience and trust. Take for instance Voveran, a brand that I have been prescribing for the last two decades. My patients’ conditions have improved significantly using this brand and they have never reported any side-effects,” said Dr Ashutosh Mohapatra , Asst Professor , Dept of Orthopaedics, SCBMCH, Cuttack, Odisha. It is interesting to see how the approach to treating pain has changed. Today, not only are brands offering reliable solutions, patients are also vouching for sophisticated treatment options.

It is interesting to see how the approach to treating pain has changed. Today, not only are brands offering reliable solutions, patients are also vouching for sophisticated treatment options. Credit it to the growing drug market and advancement in technology, molecules like Diclofenac have improved standard of care in pain management globally.