Up your Health Quotient on World No Tobacco Day

Jyoti Punja, Chief Operating Officer & Customer Officer, Cigna TTK informs about the critical side-effects of Tobacco consumption and urges people to quit tobacco usage through simple commitments

Jyoti Punja

One of the illustrious American authors, Josh Billings once said, “Health is like money. You never know the value of it until you lost it.” May 31 is the day which reminds us how important life is, it’s the World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco day. Let’s celebrate this day by making ourselves aware of the ill effects of tobacco and nicotine that causes cancer and many severe life threatening diseases, and pledge to lead a healthy and prosperous life.

One should be cognizant about the serious facts that consuming tobacco leads to short-term health effects as well as long-term health effects. Short-term effects include mouth ulcers, staining of teeth, cavities, mouth sores, and bad breath. The regular use of tobacco also causes dizziness which affects person’s day to day functional as well as physical activities. These short-term diseases later convert into long-term diseases if a person continues its habit of chewing tobacco. The regular consumption of tobacco can cause major and severe problems like many types of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke etc.

Hence, one has to be committed to living a strong and healthy life. To truly celebrate the world no tobacco day, one should quit smoking or be chewing the tobacco one, should also help others to quit the tobacco usage. Making small but meaningful changes can reap rich dividends. Here a few commitments you can make to yourself on World No Tobacco Day.

Say Yes to Life: Quit smoking or be chewing the tobacco, and promise yourself to get some form of physical exercise. Go to the park, walk, run or simply do a few stretches. Intensify the exercise with each passing week. It may get difficult in the beginning, but exercise your willpower and get set go. Sweat it out and see how your body starts responding. You will feel more energetic, feel positive and will see your efficiency levels going up.

Get Your Health Check-Up: It’s a common feature to neglect your health by ignoring the significance of a regular health check-up. Mark your calendar and book your tests. Don’t overlook that recurring cold or that niggling back pain. Preventive health care must be taken seriously and one must not postpone. A disciplined approach will go a long way.

Cover Your Health: Cover your health risk and your family’s too. Health insurance has now evolved in India. There is a reward for being healthy. In fact, the younger and the fitter you are one gets several benefits such as lower premiums, access to fitness outlets and much more.

Get Your Good Night Sleep: Life can be busy and chaos can set in. Cut out the chaos, slow down and take charge. To begin with grab six to seven hours of minimum sleep, get rid of your phone or any kind of gadget before going to sleep. Spend a few minutes in gratitude for the day you have spent. Wake up fresh, again remain in deep silence and bring in that calmness.