Pristyn Care launches telemedicine services

Pristyn Care launches telemedicine services

The company offers telemedicine through online consultations to address generic queries of cough, cold, fever, aches and pains, etc., prescribe suitable treatment through online prescriptions

With the current lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak in India, the routine process of going to one’s nearest doctor for a consultation has become impossible. Hence, while sitting at home, if one feels unwell, there is both a sense of helplessness in getting expert medical help and a fear of having contracted COVID-19. To address these concerns, while at the same time helping to minimise the burden of the coronavirus pandemic on the Indian healthcare system, Pristyn Care has set up an end-to-end ecosystem of tele-medicine and COVID-19 testing.

The health-tech company has established a control room for addressing any query related to COIVID-19 through the dedicated helpline number 801 000 2266. The control room functions as per protocols of WHO and the Ministry of Health to profile high-risk segments of the population. The company has also launched telemedicine through online consultations to address generic queries of cough, cold, fever, aches and pains, etc. and prescribe suitable treatment through online prescriptions. Post initial consultations, the patients can be assisted in getting diagnostic tests done and also be redirected, if required, to in-house specialists across ENT, gynaecology, urology, vascular and general surgery.

These online consultations will help people seek advice from experts without having to travel, thereby reducing the risks of exposure and spread. Telemedicine will act as a safety valve for India’s strained healthcare system, thereby increasing the citizen’s safety and bolstering the workforce to screen many more patients than in face-to-face encounters.

Pristyn Care has also partnered with over 50 laboratories across Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Chennai and Hyderabad to conduct COVID-19 detection tests, authorised by the Government of India and The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The test can be booked on the website or on call post an online doctor consultation. Patients can provide samples at their nearest lab or certified phlebotomists can collect them from the patients’ homes. The report will be made available to the patients within 24-48 hours of the sample collection. This capability will act as the first line of defence, helping curb overcrowding at hospitals and clinics.

Launching the new business capability, Harsimarbir Singh, Co-Founder, Pristyn Care said, “Since people are unable to visit doctors, they resort to either self-diagnosing their symptoms or self-medicating, both of which can be detrimental to their health. We must inculcate the habit of consulting specialists for health issues. From online consultation to getting tested to providing hospitalisation if required, we at Pristyn Care have developed a full stack of healthcare services to serve patients. So, anybody can call our helplines and reach out to our internal team of doctors for consultation.”


COVID-19Government of IndiaPristyn Caretelemedicine servicesThe Indian Council of Medical ResearchWHO
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