DoP issues marketing code for med devices

The Department of Pharmaceuticals urges all Medical Devices associations to ensure its members strictly comply with the UCMPMD 2024
DoP issues marketing code for med devices

The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has announced the Uniform Code for Marketing Practices in Medical  Devices (UCMPMD). The letter sent from the DoP to all Medical Devices associations urges them to comply with the strict guidelines. 

The letter states that all Associations must constitute an Ethics Committee for Marketing Practices in Medical Devices (ECMPMD), and upload the UCMPMD on their website along with a detailed procedure for lodging complaints, which will be linked to the UCPMP portal of the DoP.

Additionally, in the exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 14.1 of the UCMPMD 2024, the Department requires disclosure from Medical Devices companies of particulars related to the distribution of evaluation samples and expenses incurred on continuing medical education/ continuing professional development conferences/ workshops/ trainings/ seminars etc. The format for such disclosure is also enclosed. The particulars are to be filled on an ongoing basis and mandatorily within two months of the end of every financial year on the UCPMP portal of the Department within the time limit fixed for submitting self-declaration under paragraph  14.3 of the Code.

Commenting on the UCMPMD, Pavan Choudary, Chairman, MTaI said, “We compliment the government for bringing a separate code for Medical Devices. This code aims to ensure that quality products reach patients through irreproachably trained healthcare professionals. It will curb unethical practices and widen the circle of probity thereby strengthening the culture of compliance in India. The move supports the fact that the government understands that medical devices (electro-mechanical entities) must be regulated by code quite distinct from the one used to regulate pharmaceuticals (chemical entities). Though we are still studying the fine print of the code just released we do hope it would fare well on all these expectations and will not encumber the companies which will most meticulously follow it.” 


Department of Pharmaceuticalsmed devicesmedtechMtaIPavan ChoudaryUCMPMD 2024Uniform Code for Marketing Practices in Medical Devices
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