AIIMS doctor, IIT Delhi students launch COPAL-19

AIIMS doctor, IIT Delhi students launch COPAL-19

The app will enable users to track willing plasma donors who have recovered from coronavirus

AIIMS doctor along with a team of IIT-Delhi students have developed an app — COPAL-19 — that enables users to track willing plasma donors who have recovered from coronavirus.

“There’s a shortage of blood. Through ‘COPAL-19’, we’ll have a list of donors and patients will be able to demand blood as per their blood group for plasma therapy,” Dr Abhinav Singh Verma, AIIMS doctor, said.

He further said that till now about 70 donors have been roped in “but more will come as they get to know about the app.”

The app was launched on the occasion of Doctor’s Day.

#Covid19AIIMSCOPAL-19IIT Delhiplasma therapy
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