Elsevier: Decreasing variation and increasing value in healthcare

“Evidence-based information for better patient outcomes is need of the hour and value can be improved through information and skills,” said Tim Morris, Product and Partnerships Director, EMEALAAP, Elsevier.

Speaking at the second day of the Healthcare Senate 2018, Morris elaborated on how to manage healthcare information as it is getting more complex.

Explaining how removing operational variations in practice can help, Morris said, “Nursing is one area which was undervalued in many countries and nurses are not paid properly in many countries. Investing in nurses helps and it can turn things around for a hospital and it will increase its value. Even if you train 100 per cent nurses and you lose 40 per cent to attrition,  you still have 60 per cent of them with highest skills with you.”

Informing that patients are a key part of the value proposition, he said, “Improving patient engagement and satisfaction is crucial, like supplying information around prescription viz. when a pill should be taken, guidance via video making available in their own language might improve patient outcomes.”

Giving details about Elsevier, Morris said, “We help in providing evidence-based clinical reference at point-of-care to clinicians, deliver integrated decision support solutions to the entire care team, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in oncology and offer medical training for nurses and health assistants via online.”

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