Business Match Making at HBII 2012

The third edition of Hospital Build & Infrastructure India has been receiving an encouraging response from leading Hospital CEOs, CMOs, Directors, Hospital Consultants and top decision makers who are registering their visit at HBII 2012 in large numbers and confirming their presence, to see and purchase from India’s largest display of hospital infrastructure products, services and technology, all under one roof. Considering the overwhelming response from the exhibitors and delegates, the organisers have introduced the much in demand ‘Business Match Making Service’ during the three-day event. This will enable the pre-registered visitors and exhibitors to fix prior appointments during the event and will be able to make the most of their participation.

Through the business matching service, the organisers aim to connect the right business partners, buyers and sellers before, during and after the exhibition, thereby generating new business leads and opportunities as well as a platform to discuss business needs in a neutral environment.

HBII 2012 has partnered with an experienced vendor, Socialwalk, to bring the Business Matching service for all exhibiting companies and visitors. The service is one of the many value-added services at the event which will be offered complimentary to all the participants at the event.

All the pre-registered visitors and the exhibitor will be connected through an online portal created by Social walk where the visitors can view exhibitors’ products and contact the exhibitors directly, post their sourcing requirements and receive exhibitors’ responses and also request and confirm appointments with exhibitors.

This practice of Business Matchmaking, being introduced at the event will certainly ensure that the exhibitors receive quality leads and the visitors get an easy access to all the products, solutions and services on display throughout the three-day exhibition. And ensure that the purpose of the visitors and the exhibitors are met..

HBII 2012 business match making URL is: for all who are interested to visit and make the most of this opportunity to source their hospital infrastructural needs, either a big or a small healthcare unit.

For more information contact:
Tel: (022) 40481710

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