Rajendra Pratap Gupta has been appointed as Co-Chair for Asia of Innovation Working Group. He is internationally renowned as an innovator in healthcare and public policy, having served in top leadership positions with m any of the world’s largest companies. His work has reportedly influenced local, national and international healthcare policy. Gupta has also been invited by government bodies in India, including the Ministry of Health, Planning Commission as well as international organisations such as the United Nations, WHO, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the World Economic Forum, where he serves on the Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Digital Health and on the expert panel of the US-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund.
Innovation Working Group was created in 2010 by the United Nation’s Secretary General (UNSG) to harness the power of innovations to accelerate progress towards achieving the health MDGs in support of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. IWG Asia will serve as a regional hub for innovation, catalysing the initiation and enabling the scaling of cost-effective innovations across technological, social, financial, policy and business domains
“I am excited to bring the resources, integrity and experience of Innovation Working Group to Public sector, NGO’s . healthcare providers and government agencies in Asia, and look forward to working in collaboration with these great organisations,” said Gupta. “Together we will help to build a hub of innovation in Asia to advance the MDGs related to mother and child health,” he added.
“We welcome corporates, NGO’s, government agencies and healthcare providers in the Asia region to join the Innovation Working Group, and take advantage of the vast experience, networking and expertise we have to offer. I personally look forward to creating strong collaboration and partnerships to advance the innovations in the region,” added Gupta.