Tech Mahindra Foundation, the CSR arm of TechMahindra recently launched the Tech Mahindra SMART Academy for Healthcare. Dr Loveleen Kacker, CEO, Tech Mahindra Foundation, shares more details about the initiative, its curriculum, objectives and more, with Lakshmipriya Nair
Why has Tech Mahindra earmarked healthcare sector for this initiative?
One of the major challenges in the Indian health sector as on date is the non-availability of trained allied health professionals. In fact, there is a shortage of over 14 lakh such professionals. The Tech Mahindra CSR initiative intends to bridge some of this gap.
What would be the focus area for the training programmes? What would they comprise?
The focus would be to evolve a well-designed and delivered training programme which would create a pool of allied health professionals. The training would comprise classroom lectures, laboratory exposure, internship in hospitals as well as seminars/ workshops conducted by experienced faculty.
How are these modules/ curriculum designed? What are the parameters under consideration?
The conceptual framework of module/ curriculum has been designed as per Health Sector Skill Council benchmark- a part of National Skill Development Council. The modules are designed as per the benchmark of National Occupational Standards (NOS).
Have any healthcare providers/ practitioners played a role in drafting the curriculum?
Yes, Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF) has on board experienced professionals to draft the curriculum. TMF Academy is blessed with well qualified and experienced professionals who have great exposure in the field of healthcare sector. This team consists of a Dean Academics, nurse tutors, technician and IT trainer/ soft skill trainer. The foundation has also appointed an independent medical advisor to audit the curriculum.
Where would these training sessions be held? Is it a pan- India initiative?
This TMF Smart Academy for Healthcare is located at Harijan Sevak Sangh, Gandhi Ashram, GTB Nagar. It is the only one as of now.
How can the interested candidates apply for these courses?
As of now the Tech Mahindra Smart Academy mobilisers are sensitising the environment/ local population about the presence of the Academy and the courses offered. Interested candidates may visit the Academy take a simple aptitude test, show their credentials and seek admission.
What does Tech Mahindra envisage through these courses?
The focus will be to give priority to students from low-income families. They are being charged a miniscule (20 percent) of the sum being currently charged by other institutes offering similar courses. A six months course fee including tuition fees, uniform, books and certification is pegged at Rs 8600 only. There is also an option of scholarship/ subsidy on this sum for very needy students. If the Smart Academy for Healthcare creates a pool of professionals, it will in a small way, surely improve the healthcare scenario in the country.