Covid-19: Disinfectants see stronger demand in Asia, Europe

LANXESS optimises production capacities of Rely+On Virkon for increased delivery capability
Covid-19: Disinfectants see stronger demand in Asia, Europe

As the coronavirus continues to spread, authorities around the world are tightening measures to stop the further spread of the lung disease. With no vaccine available, disinfection is of the utmost importance. Manufacturers of disinfectants are therefore ramping up production to meet increased demands.

Anneliese Bischof, Head of the Disinfectants Business at LANXESS, said, “Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, we are seeing increased demand for Rely+On Virkon in China and other countries around the globe. We are therefore currently working intensively to optimally align our production and logistics capacities to deliver additional product quantity to this region as quickly as possible.”

According to a company release, Independent tests have proven that Rely+On Virkon, used for hard surface and equipment disinfection, inactivates a closely related surrogate of the currently spreading coronavirus strain. “From these tests, it can be concluded that Rely+On Virkon is also effective against 2019-nCoV,” Bischof said.

In independent tests, Rely+On Virkon achieved inactivation of the coronavirus strain at a 1:100 dilution rate with a 10-minute contact time. This corresponds to test conditions required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and proves the performance and suitability of Rely+On Virkon for practical use.

Rely+On Virkon is diluted for application and sprayed on hard surfaces and equipment. It can therefore help to reduce the risk of contamination of surfaces, door handles, tables or chairs during disinfection measures at public transport terminals, airports, hospitals, clinics, shopping malls, etc.

Anneliese BischofCOVID-19LANXESSRely+On Virkon
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