DocsApp launches night-time child specialist online consultation

DocsApp launches night-time child specialist online consultation

There is a spike in the number of night-time paediatric consultations especially from smaller cities such as Bhopal, Jaipur and Chandigarh

DocsApp, a chat-based healthcare platform has launched a service of night-time child specialist consultations to ensure senior doctors and specialists are available on chat or call to parents who seek medical assistance and is an ISO certified app.

Reportedly, the service has witnessed demand with 35-40 per cent night-time urgent paediatric cases having been registered on the platform. Most consultations are done between 10 pm to 2 am of which 70 per cent consultations are conducted via chat and 30 per cent in the form of phone calls. There is a spike in the number of night-time paediatric consultations especially from smaller cities such as Bhopal, Jaipur and Chandigarh.

Satish Kannan, CEO and Co-founder, DocsApp said, “DocsApp’s night-time paediatric support has proven to be of immense help, as parents no longer need to wait for appointments or travel to far off hospitals to treat their colicky baby. paediatricians are now just a click or a call away on DocsApp for parents to receive instant support and easy solutions.”
