Dozee’s contactless VS measurement system receives USFDA 510K clearance

Dozee’s contactless VS measurement system receives USFDA 510K clearance

Dozee’s proprietary contactless sensor sheet is placed under the patient’s mattress to capture micro-vibrations produced by every heartbeat, respiration cycle, and body movement, using ‘Ballistocardiography’

Dozee has announced that its proprietary contactless Vital Signs (VS) measurement technology has received USFDA 510(k) clearance.

Dozee’s proprietary contactless sensor sheet is placed under the patient’s mattress to capture micro-vibrations produced by every heartbeat, respiration cycle, and body movement, using ‘Ballistocardiography’. The Dozee pod placed next to the patient’s bedside converts the vibration data into encrypted digital signals. These signals are converted into vital signs like heart rate, respiration rate, body movements, etc. using proprietary cloud-based algorithms. The vital sign data is presented on cloud-enabled remote monitoring dashboard to healthcare providers.

Studies have shown that remote patient monitoring technology reduces the workload on nursing staff for monitoring patients in hospitals and clinics. For Patients, contactless technology improves the in-hospital experience by removing the need for wires, electrodes and cuffs attached to the body. As the paradigm of the healthcare ecosystem evolves, remote patient monitoring will play a crucial role in enhancing the performance, productivity, and profitability of overall healthcare delivery.





digital healthDozeeremote patient management
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