Future Generali India Insurance to roll out Total Health Score

Future Generali India Insurance to roll out Total Health Score

Considering the higher incidence of mental health issues in India, especially during the on-going pandemic, Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited (FGII), announced the launch of an online mental health assessment test –Total Health Score.

This self-assessment will enable an individual to evaluate the quality of one’s mental well-being. The initiative is to emphasise that one’s mental health is as important as physical health to be healthy inside out.

The Total Health Score is a questionnaire and API based assessment that is designed by practicing therapists and counsellors who understand the early signs of potential mental health issues. Once the individual completes the assessment s/he will be attributed a score that outlines the current state of his/her mental health. In addition, s/he will have access to self-care content to understand and manage various mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression and other related concerns. The self-care content is developed by mental health experts for Future Generali.

Future Generali India Insurancemental healthTotal Health Score
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