Gurugram collaborates with Wipro GE Healthcare

Gurugram collaborates with Wipro GE Healthcare

Implementing ‘Smart Kiosks’ for random population-based screening of COVID-19

The district administration of Gurugram in collaboration with Wipro GE Healthcare is implementing ‘Smart Kiosks’ for random population-based screening of COVID-19. This initiative will help address the increasing need for more community testing through a swift, robust and seamless sample collection process. Wipro GE Healthcare, through its CSR efforts has designed and installed five ‘Smart Kiosks’ across the district. These ‘Smart Kiosks’ are developed by design engineers at e-Cube, a one-of-its-kind design studio at Wipro GE’s innovation centre in Bengaluru.

“We are introducing these state-of-art ‘Smart Kiosks’ to ensure the safety of both healthcare staff and citizens of Gurugram when sample collection is taking place”, says Amit Khatri, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram. “Effective partnership between Government and Industry is critical when dealing with challenges like the one we face today. We appreciate the timely support from Wipro GE Healthcare in designing and implementing this contactless sample collection kiosks for COVID-19 tests. These kiosks will go a long way in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in Gurugram.”

“Doctors and healthcare workers getting infected with COVID-19 when passionately carrying out their duties is a disturbing and unfortunate fallout of the treatment process,” said Nalinikanth Gollagunta, Managing Director, Wipro GE Healthcare. “Our design team at Bengaluru has created this ‘Smart Kiosk’ which eliminates any contact between a suspected COVID-19 patient and the healthcare worker when collecting samples, thus significantly reducing their chances of getting infected. Our CSR programmes are focussed around efforts that positively improve the lives of people and communities we serve. We are delighted to partner with the Gurugram administration to implement this solution.”

COVID-19COVID-19 screeninge-CubeGurugramSmart KiosksWipro GE Healthcare
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