Hula Global launches protective face shields

Hula Global launches protective face shields

For those associated with service industries, including restaurants, retailers, salons, grocery stores, food plants as well as medical sector

After building the capacity to produce near to a million medical coveralls during the ongoing lockdown, Hula Global has introduced protective face shields for those associated with service industries, including restaurants, retailers, salons, grocery stores, food plants as well as the medical sector.

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi raising a clarion call to the nation to go ‘Vocal for Local’, homegrown firms like Hula Global, which started the PPE manufacturing with coveralls under its brand name ULTRA has augmented its product offering with a broad range of PPE garments, including a variety of gloves, masks, etc. While the newly launched face shields are designed for the medical and service industry, they are available to the general public, too.

Speaking on the launch, Karan Bose, MD, Hula Global said, “The demand for facial protection is rising rapidly as the government is finally moving towards unlocking the country. Along with shielding the front-line healthcare workers, we are now receiving inquiries from other service sectors as well. Our face shields have been designed to not only protect the customers but also make them feel comfortable once they step out of their homes for their respective businesses.”


COVID-19Hula GloballockdownPPEprotective face shield
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