Kidney health for all

On the occasion of World Kidney Day, March 12, Sadhana Sheth, Business Head-Point-of-Care, Siemens Healthcare India emphasises the importance of early detection and treatment which can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease. Thinkstock

On the occasion of World Kidney Day, March 12, Sadhana Sheth, Business Head-Point-of-Care, Siemens Healthcare India emphasises the importance of early detection and treatment which can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition affecting almost 200 million people around the world today (Source: World Health Organization []). Of these, about 20-30 per cent will develop kidney disease, which is the most common complication of diabetes (Source: International Diabetes Federation). Increasing evidence indicates that some of these adverse outcomes can be prevented or delayed by early detection and treatment.

Early CKD often has no sign or symptoms. A person can lose up to 90 per cent of their kidney function before experiencing any signs (Source: National Kidney Foundation). But a simple Albumin to Creatinine Ratio (ACR) Urine Testing can tell if the person has kidney disease.

Siemens Healthcare and the US-based National Kidney Foundation (NKF) have formed a strategic alliance focusing on education, awareness and screening for kidney disease in high-risk individuals. This important collaboration leverages the latest testing recommendations from the NKF to improve detection among those at risk for kidney disease. These new recommendations call on healthcare professionals to screen patients in high-risk groups by adding simple urine albumin tests to their patients’ annual physical exams. Risk factors include:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Age 60 or older
  • Family history of CKD, diabetes or hypertension
  • US ethnic minority
  • History of acute kidney injury

Both physicians attached to offices and laboratians in a central lab can access screening for kidney disease by using Siemens CLINITEK Microalbumin 2 Reagent Strips which detect albumin and creatinine levels in urine, providing an albumin-to-creatinine ratio and allowing treatment to begin sooner.

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