Lasa Supergenerics lists on NSE

Lasa Supergenerics lists on NSE

It specialises in catalyst chemistry and manufactures anthelmintic/ veterinary API products

Lasa Supergenerics has been listed on the premier stock exchanges with Omkar P. Herlekar, Chairman and MD, Lasa Supergenrics, ringing the bell at a glittering function at NSE in the presence of Shivanand G. Hegde, Whole Time Director, Lasa Supergenerics and Hitesh D. Wadhwani, Secretary, Lasa Supergenerics.

Herlekar said, “We started our journey 3 decades ago as a family business and eventually our flagship company Omkar Speciality got listed in 2010. We acquired Lasa almost immediately post that with its mother unit in Mahad. Lasa was a micro unit at that time manufacturing just two products in veterinary range with annual revenue of just 1 crore rupees. Today after just five years of Lasa’s takeover, the company has a Rs 200 crore revenue model. We aspire to grow at 22-25 per cent CAGR. Looking ahead Lasa is determined to achieve its goal of becoming a leading force in veterinary healthcare. The objective on which the group was founded have always inspired sustainable growth through innovations in the last 4 years and shall continue to do the same in times to come.”

“At Lasa, we have no product dependency and 80 per cent revenue through seven products. We have no customer depending biggest customer is just 3 per cent of revenue. Fully backward integrated each product starts from basic petrochemical. There is no dependency on imports and we practice complex catalyst chemistry brings down raw material cost. Our focus is reducing production time, curtails on effluent output. Envisaging prospective growth potential in vet business and subsequent humongous demand for vet medicine, LASA decided to create complex entry barriers in its business,” said Herlekar.

The manufacturing base of Lasa group is located at Mahad, in the Konkan region of Maharashtra. It specialises in ‘catalyst chemistry‘ and manufactures anthelmintic/ veterinary API products with one of the largest production capabilities and product categories in India. To efficiently control the supply chain, the group backward integrated its key molecule from discovery research up to full-scale bulk production.