‘Let Us Live’ concert featuring Grammy award winner in Delhi

Featuring musician Ricky Kej, the concert aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of climate change and health and the need to preserve and save our planet
‘Let Us Live’ concert featuring Grammy award winner in Delhi

The Centre for Environmental Health (CEH), a Centre of Excellence at the Public Health Foundation of India and the Association of Healthcare Providers of India (AHPI) are organising a one-of-its-kind concert in New Delhi on March 23, 2019 to raise awareness on climate change and health. With the theme “Let us Live”, the concert aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of climate change and health and the need to preserve and save our planet.

The concert features Grammy winner Ricky Kej, who is a music maestro, UNESCO MGIEP’s (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development’s) Ambassador, UNICEF celebrity supporter and United Nations humanitarian artist who has enthralled audiences with a global symphonic experience of ‘World Music for Environmental Consciousness.’

Ricky Kej, along with his ensemble of internationally-renowned musicians, will present to you a unique concert with exquisite audio-visual blend of cultures, traditions, languages and musical styles. The musical evening will also feature other renowned musicians from India and abroad, namely Lonnie Park, USA (vocalist); Varijashree, India (flute and vocals); Arunkumar, India (drums and vocal percussion) and Manoj George, India (violin).

ArunkumarAssociation of Healthcare Providers of IndiaCentre for Environmental HealthDelhiGrammy award winnerLet Us LiveLonnie ParkManoj GeorgePublic Health Foundation of IndiaRicky KejUNESCOUNICEFVarijashree
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