Maharashtra governor and health minister join hands with Dr Sunita Dube for “Save the Girl Child from Womb to Tomb Campaign”

Maharashtra governor and health minister join hands with Dr Sunita Dube for “Save the Girl Child from Womb to Tomb Campaign”

Launched in 2008, the campaign is in its 18th year. It was launched by Dr Sunita Dube Founder, and Chairperson Medscapeindia-AMET

The 10th MedscapeIndia National Award Trophy will be launched on 5th October by the Governor of Maharashtra in the presence of National Presidents of Medical Associations and MedscapeIndia Advisory & Organising Committee members and celebrities.

An Ace Radiologist Philanthropist and  social worker Dr Dube says, “The existence of human life on earth is impossible without the equal participation of both women and men and to save humans from extinction we have to take measures to save girl child.”

She adds,” MedscapeIndia have worked from the grass-root level to ‘Save the Girl Child’ dealing with the prevention of female foeticide by changing their mindsets. With the support of the medical fraternity from not only India but across the globe along with 21 medical associations and people from different walks of life, who all had shown solidarity to influence the mindsets towards the importance of the girl child and giving them opportunities. Women need to be accepted, supported and acknowledged to lead the world without gender bias. I request all to take a pledge

“I pledge to save the girl child from womb to tomb”

Dr Dube handed over the ‘Save the Girl child Pledge to Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope who joined hands to launch the nationwide pledge to save the Girl child from Womb to Tomb.

On the occasion Maharashtra Health Minister says, “A girl child deserves a life where she is treated as equal to a boy. And she should be loved and respected like others. She participates in the development and growth of the nation equally. Besides, she works hard for the betterment of society and country. They have also proven their worth and stand equal to boys in every field. Hence, they deserve to survive as their survival means the existence of the human race”

MedscapeIndia Aryan Medical & Educational Trust is a non-profit organization of voluntary doctors and like-minded people, who have been working relentlessly on health care, save the Girl child, women empowerment since last 18 years.

10th MedscapeIndia National Awards is an initiative to facilitate the heros from the medical fraternity, which is in its 10th year now. The awards recognize and appreciate the contributions made by doctors, institutions in the healthcare sector and eminent personalities in social work supporting the ‘Save the Girl Child’ movement as also women empowerment and community health, training, education, research, patient care, rural health care, teaching, treatment innovations, and academic excellence.

Government of Maharashtrasave the girl campaign
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