Relevance of homeopathy in a post-COVID-19 world

Relevance of homeopathy in a post-COVID-19 world

Dr Mukesh Batra, Founder & Chairman, Dr Batra’s Group of Companies highlights that in today’s world, where people are health conscious and avoid taking shelter under the ‘anti-biotic umbrella’, homeopathy provided a much-needed respite with an assurance of ‘treating the root cause of the illness’

The global pandemic has tested our medical system in more ways than any of us could’ve imagined. Be it Allopathy, Ayurveda or homeopathy, every medical sector was trying and testing ground-breaking ways to deal with the situation at hand. COVID was an unforeseeable situation that had put all of our lives in turmoil. Despite all the chaos in the medical system, homeopathy is one of the sectors that rose up significantly.

During the pandemic, hair loss, weak immunity, depression, breathlessness, chronic cough and weakness were some of the common problems faced by people. In today’s world, where people are health conscious and avoid taking shelter under the ‘anti-biotic umbrella’, homeopathy provided a much-needed respite with an assurance of ‘treating the root cause of the illness’.

Immunity was, undoubtedly, the biggest concern of all. According to the WHO, approximately 80 per cent of people who get the virus exhibit just mild to moderate symptoms, with some showing no symptoms at all. However, a tiny minority of patients, particularly those with pre-existing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, and obesity, to mention a few, develop the infection’s more serious symptoms. Strengthening immune systems in order to protect themselves against the virus became the primary motive of all individuals. Homeopathy came to their rescue in this situation. Evidence has demonstrated that homoeopathy is successful for weakened immunity-based diseases, according to research reports released by the WHO.

Not only this, but homeopathy has also been linked to a significant drop in leptospirosis infection in the Cuban population, according to the US National Library of Medicine, and this has led to government-directed immunisation against hepatitis A, swine flu, pneumococcal illness, and dengue fever using homoeopathy. Even during the 2006 chikungunya epidemic in Kerala, India, homoeopathy was successfully used as a preventive therapy approach.

To our respite, COVID-19 recovery rate was high in India. Over 2.8 crore people out of a total of 2.9 crore persons survived the virus, representing an almost 90 per cent recovery rate. However, even after defeating their COVID infection, a small percentage of patients will continue to have health problems that endure for months. This is known as ‘Long COVID’ or post-COVID, and it causes health difficulties such as weakness, lung complications, stomach issues, depression, and hair loss in people. There are various studies that have supported the efficiency and safety of respiratory medicines for different illnesses. Some of them are:

  • Homeopathy has been shown to be effective in treating respiratory infections while also providing symptomatic relief. The National Library of Medicine (NIH) published a clinical trial that demonstrated its usefulness in fighting respiratory infections.

  • A scientific investigation found that homoeopathic treatments for depression are effective and safe. Patients who got homoeopathic therapies had decreased rates of depression, according to the study’s findings.

  • Thuja, a homoeopathic medication, increases hair growth by activating the anagen phase in resting hair follicles, according to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the United States National Library of Medicine.

  • Homeopathy is used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal problems. According to, a research of 25 cases of acute diarrhoea found that 97 per cent of the cases were treated, indicating that homoeopathic remedies certainly have the potential to cure the acute diarrhoea problem.

  • A thorough triple blind trial on the effectiveness of customised homoeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome was published in the journal Psychosomatic Research in 2004. The results of this six-month trial showed that homoeopathic treatment outperformed placebo by a significant margin.

Homeopathy has been suggested as an effective medication to help people boost their immune systems and recover from post-COVID symptoms. The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy has well-documented the use of homoeopathy as an immunity booster during epidemics (CCRHINDIA).

We can safely say that Homeopathy will prove to be more relevant in the post-pandemic era.

homeopathypost-COVID eratraditional medicines
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