RSNA 2019 receives13,419 abstract submissions

RSNA 2019 receives13,419 abstract submissions

Attendees can expect new research in all aspects of radiology during RSNA 2019, to be held in Chicago from December 1-6

Abstract submissions for RSNA 2019 hit an all-time high with 13,419 submissions received.

According to RSNA website, the large number of abstract submissions will provide RSNA 2019 meeting attendees with wide-ranging opportunities to learn at the world’s largest radiology conference, to be held December 1-6, 2019 at McCormick Place, Chicago.

RSNA is the premier meeting to present the best science and education in medical imaging. Each year, more than 50,000 participants attend the annual meeting to learn the latest in radiologic education, research and technologic innovation.

ChicagoradiologyRSNA 2019
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