TMC partners with public health department of Maharashtra

TMC partners with public health department of Maharashtra

To make cancer care accessible and affordable at the district level and to bring down the incidence of its preventable forms TMC has conceptualised the project “Access to Affordable Cancer Care for One and All” in collaboration with the Public Health Department of Maharashtra with the objective to strengthen cancer care services at district government institutes

Every year we celebrate the 27th of July World Head and Neck Cancer Day. This year to commemorate World Head and Neck Cancer Day scientific workshop was organised for dental surgeons by Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai and the Public Health Department of Maharashtra under the Access to Affordable Cancer Care for One and All Project.

Affordability and accessibility are major challenges to cancer patients. To make cancer care accessible and affordable at the district level and to bring down the incidence of its preventable forms Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) has conceptualised the project “Access to Affordable Cancer Care for One and All” in collaboration with the Public Health Department of Maharashtra with the objective to strengthen cancer care services at district government institutes.

This project was launched on a pilot basis in 6 districts of Maharashtra in June 2016. After the successful rolling out of this project in Phase-I of 6 districts, this project has been expanded to the remaining districts of Maharashtra. On the eve of the celebration of World Head and Neck Cancer Day week, the project was officially announced as expanded in Phase-II of the remaining districts of Maharashtra on 31st July 2023 at Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai by Dr Rajendra Badwe,(Director of TMC), Dr Shripad Banavali, (Director of Academics, TMC), Dr Vijay Baviskar (Joint Director, NCD, Public Health Department of Maharashtra) and Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi (Deputy Director, Centre for Cancer Epidemiology, Professor, Head and Neck Oncology Surgeon, TMC and Director of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies).

During the inaugural function of the workshop Interim project report was released by the dignitaries on the dais. Also, to strengthen oral cancer services at the district level, the official launching of Maharashtra Oral Cancer Warriors was done. Maharashtra Cancer Warriors (MCWs) is a voluntary group of oncologists who are alumni of TMH practising in their respective districts. MCWs have taken a novel initiative to provide free services at District Civil Hospitals in Medical and Surgical oncology.

Dr Badwe appreciated the efforts taken by the Public Health Department of Maharashtra for cancer prevention and capacity building of health services staff on early detection, screening and prevention of common cancers and the establishment of cancer day care centres at district civil hospitals of Maharashtra.

Dr Bawiskar briefed about cancer control activities conducted by the Public Health Department of Maharashtra in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai.

Dr Banavali briefed about the importance of NCD screening and how to improve cancer care services at the district level by practising cancer procedures.

Dr Chaturvedi explained the concept behind launching the Maharashtra Oral Cancer Warriors and cancer control activities conducted under the “Access to Affordable Cancer Care for One and All”

Following the inaugural session, the scientific workshop was conducted which witness the participation of 200 delegates from the Public Health Department of Maharashtra, Doctors of Government Dental Colleges and other private associations. The highlight of the workshop was a live demonstration of the identification of premalignant and malignant conditions of oral cancer and a demonstration of oral biopsies techniques by Head and Neck Cancer surgeons.



cancer careGovernment of Maharashtrapartnershippublic healthTata Memorial Centre
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