Unitus Seed Fund launch StartHealth Competition for India health-tech start-ups

Rs 10 lakhs cash prize and access to our StartHealth Investment Program & Partner Networks

Unitus Seed Fund has announced StartHealth Competition, a nationwide challenge to identify promising early-stage health-tech start-ups focused on serving India’s 20 crore families living on under Rs 20,000 per month. The winner will receive cash prize of Rs 10 lakhs. Additionally, the winner and the runner-up will get an opportunity to pitch for a direct entry to our StartHealth programme which includes receiving up to Rs 50 lakhs of non-dilutive fund, support from StartHealth partners PATH, Pfizer, Manipal Hospitals and Narayana Health, and a potential seed investment of Rs 1 crore.

The startups will be assessed based on factors including impact on the masses, leadership and team, innovation, business model, and presentation quality. Areas of particular interest include:

  • Healthcare service models enabled by technology

  • Healthcare diagnostic solutions leveraging on technology innovations

Sectors include medical devices, diagnostics and therapeutics with wide primary healthcare impact, mobile monitoring, online marketplaces, app-based services and enterprise management and healthcare service delivery – all spaces where technological innovation and increased mobile-internet penetration are key drivers.

Technology innovation is a key factor to making better healthcare services accessible and affordable for the masses in India,” said Dave Richards, Managing Partner, Unitus Seed Fund. “Our healthcare partners provide an amazing resource to early-stage health-tech entrepreneurs as they prepare for bringing their innovations to market in India,” he added.

Starthealth CompetitionUnitus Seed Fund