Delhi CM to launch Lok Nayak plasma bank

Delhi CM to launch Lok Nayak plasma bank

The Delhi government’s GTB hospital is also working out on the modalities to start a plasma bank in the coming days

The Delhi government is set to launch a plasma bank at the Lok Nayak hospital. The 2,000-bed hospital was the first facility to be completely converted into a COVID-only hospital. The Chief Minister is expected to inaugurate the plasma bank today.

“We have got a plasmapheresis machine through which plasma can be donated. The entire bank is being set up at the hospital. Earlier, we were sending patients to ILBS to donate plasma, and performing the therapy here. With the setting up of this bank, the entire process will take place in our hospital,” said Suresh Kumar, medical director of Lok Nayak hospital.

The Delhi government’s GTB hospital is also working out on the modalities to start a plasma bank in the coming days.

We are focusing more on the clinical management of patients by adopting techniques that can save the lives of more patients. The hospital has got its own plasmapheresis machine and the bank will start functioning soon,” said Dr R S Rautela, Medical Director, GTB hospital.

The plasma bank at ILBS has received over 250 donations so far. “The initiative for having multiple plasma banks is extremely useful and well-thought-out by the state government. There is a need for all large COVID hospitals to have their own plasma bank because patients are more attached to the hospital they are being treated,” said Dr SK Sarin, head of the hospital.

Covid hospitalDelhi CMDelhi governmentGTB hospitalLok Nayak HospitalPlasma bankplasmapheresis machine
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