Olympus nurses and technician training programme (NTT) on endoscopes

Olympus, is a global leader in the field of medical gastrointestinal business with a large market  share and presence in more than 50 countries. Being present in India since last 30 years through channel network, it has started pan-India service operations directly w.e.f. 1st April 2010. With the head office at Gurgaon and seven state-of-the-art service centers nationwide equipped with trained technical staff, including Japanese experts with a mission to provide quality services at reliable prices when a customer thinks about endoscopy equipment and its related services, it is Olympus and Olympus only that comes to mind.

Month Place Zone
May Guwahati East
June Trichy South
July Raipur North
August Mangalore South
September Nagpur West
October Calicut South
November Deharadun North
December Ahmedabad West
January Vijaywada South
February Bhubaneshwar East
March Lucknow North

Being innovative is the strength of Olympus, be it product or the services. Providing quality services is one and making people aware about them is another. Olympus India has developed an awareness programme module designed towards care and maintenance of Olympus equipment and named as NTT (Nurses’, Technicians’ Training) programme . The module highlights are

a) To locate the end user and its associates (Bio-medical and para support staff): Having a huge database of users nationwide, users are selected according to the products available in the respective hospitals. Doctors are the experts and know the precautions during pre and post endoscopy procedures, but sometimes the support staff might overlook them, unknowingly resulting in breakage and huge financial losses. 

So invitation are sent two months in advance to doctors, bio-medicals and admin in-charge of hospitals/nursing homes to encourage their staff participation in training programme

b) Provide basic know-how and functionality of the products: A person involved in day-to-day operations sometimes might not know the details, functions and principles on which the sophisticated instruments work on. 

Professional trainers share this information and this creates interest in users since they come to know the product and its functions which help them to think in a positive direction with reasoning that why particular equipment needs a particular type of care.

c) Why to choose the authorised service provider over local vendor: Sometimes people prefer the cost over the quality without knowing the consequences.

Participants are educated on the difference in the facilities available with the authorised providers and local vendors. By using the old, corroded and spurious spare parts the precious human life can be endangered. Pictures, photographs and products are shown to demonstrate the difference. Olympus facilities available are shown to see and feel the difference.

d) Hands on experience: Best of the trainings tend to fail at times if only theory is poured in without its practical demonstration since theory and practical might differ at times during the real time procedures and cases in the hospital.

So products and their upkeepment in the most professional manner explained in theory session is further clarified with practical demonstration by dividing the participants into small groups where Olympus’ technical experts and the team of engineers are present to give them the demonstration and replying to their queries.

e) Interactive – Question Answer Session: Training is of no use if not converted and tested at real times.

So some real time problems are discussed and a test is conducted after the training. This test is conducted by asking some questions and later correct answers are suggested by experts with reasons.


1. The one-day programme is conducted nationwide monthly.
2. Being held in remote locations like Guwahati and Raipur to increase the reach and have equal training opportunities for all instead of other programmes which are held in metro cities only.  
3. Free training material (CD on care and maintenance, product brochures, charts explaining do and don’ts during procedures) is provided to the participants.
4. KOL and VIP faculty from the field is invited to share their experiences with participants
5. Finally, ‘Certificate of Participation’ is provided to each participant which since it is being provided from direct manufacturer has good weightage and advantage towards their recognition of work and knowledge
6. People have tendency to forget so this exercise is done regularly to imprint the safety and care maintenance activities in the mind of user forever

Latest in series was held in Delhi on  April 1, 2012.

Olympus is committed to provide world class services with mission statement – “Your Vision Our Future “ which means whatever customer dreams or thinks needs to be created to facilitate them and make their life easy.

Contact Details:
Tel: (0124) 4999192
Email: endo_service@olympus.in

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