Healthspring launches flu vaccine drive for customers and employees

Healthspring launches flu vaccine drive for customers and employees

Campaign till August 31 to highlight importance of adult vaccinations

To highlight the importance of adult vaccination, Healthspring has organised an adult vaccination drive for flu vaccine till August 31 for their customers and employees at their centers in Mumbai and Pune.

With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing immunity resistance and overall healthy wellbeing sharply into focus, specialists have reiterated that vaccinations are one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to protect from potentially fatal diseases. One of the main reasons for considering adult vaccination is the waning immunity from the vaccines received in childhood.

Dr Gautam Sen, Chairman and Founder,  Healthspring believes that it is imperative to spread awareness on the importance of vaccinations amongst adults in India, as the current global crisis is witness to how even a minor flu can be extremely risky if your body is not equipped to fight it. “Through this drive, Healthspring is determined to build people’s immunity to battle a multitude of illnesses apart from COVID-19.”

According to a release, research shows that people with diabetes are six times more likely to be hospitalised and three times more likely to die from influenza complications. While immunisation is recognised as one of the most effective primary prevention services that improves health and well-being, adult immunisation rates remain low and large gaps exist between national adult immunisation goals and actual adult immunisation rates.

According to Dr Sen, “Adult vaccination can help people suffering with co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. In senior citizens complications increase if affected by pneumonia or flu. It is especially beneficial for people suffering from asthma, heart or lung disease, diabetes, or other chronic disease.  Additionally, a pneumococcal vaccine helps someone who may have a compromised immune system to prevent serious disease such as pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections.”

Vaccinations are readily available for such common adult illnesses as influenza (flu), pneumococcal disease, herpes zoster (shingles), human papillomavirus (HPV), pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

adult vaccinationsCOVID-19Dr Gautam SenHealthspring
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