Express Healthcare

Ardra Kurien: Defying the odds

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Who are your sources of inspiration, role models?

Ardra Kurien

On a personal note – it would definitely have to be my dad. He has always been the strongest force of inspiration – he taught me to face situations boldly and has always given me the confidence to challenge the odds.

On the professional side, the one who inspired me the most in my field would have to be Dr Preetha Reddy. As a student of Hospital Administration, I always looked forward to hearing her experiences in the industry at various seminars and conferences. That was the first time I realised that women can make it to the top of the league too. Her sessions always left me energised and excited.

Can women thrive in a man’s world without having to change who they are?

I do not feel that women have to change who they are just to fit in. Women may have to play a little harder at balancing the work and family equation, but there are no reasons to justify changing who you are.

I have been able to work my way up entirely on the basis on my job performance. I must also say that I do not want to be working in a position that requires me to compromise on my ethics and beliefs. Over the years, I have grown as a person and as a professional to meet the demands of my job and the expectations of my management, but I continue to be the very same person I was.

Tell us about your journey to the top. Has it been difficult?

The journey has not been easy, but it has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. My biggest strength is that I love what I do and that makes the whole journey more exciting. Facing each situation has only left me stronger and wiser than before. It taught me to look at a problem from a broader perspective.

Sometimes, male colleagues find it difficult to acknowledge a woman colleague’s skills and capabilities and are quicker to criticise and view each action with a lot of apprehension. But even as I say this, I must also acknowledge my colleagues who have stood by me through some of the most difficult phases of my career and supported my growth in the industry.

When I was given charge of the oncology centre, my knowledge about the disease and its treatment options were minimal. It took me a while to catch up on the subject. But it’s important to learn about new areas so that you know what you are doing and how best it can be done.

Again, maintaining a balance between work and family needs a lot more effort and support from the home front, without which this climb would not be possible.

Straight from the heart
Winning the confidence of my team and taking them along with me on the journey has been my greatest success mantra. It is important to allow your juniors to grow and support their growth as a professional and as an individual. It is a proud feeling when one of our team members are called upon to handle higher responsibilities.

Sometimes experiments yield the best results. It is always a risk to implement new ideas. But if it is carefully planned out, these experiments can be the start of an exciting new find.

Constantly stay abreast of what your customer expects from you and work towards delivering it

Be a part of the team and join in the action. Of course organising may be our forte, but getting down to where is action is, always boosts the confidence of the team. It helps when we as leaders set examples ourselves and start off a trend.

It is important to relax and clear our minds before we assess a situation. We need to have the patience to assess it from all angles before taking critical decisions.

Keep one’s self abreast about the latest in the field, be it technology or management mantras.

How do you maintain a good work-life balance?

Work can have its pressure, but that stress cannot be carried out into one’s home. Likewise, there may be issues at home, which cannot be brought into office. This is one of the basic rules to maintaining a balance between one’s work and family. It is also important to take time off to relax with family and friends from time to time. Sometimes, I’m stretched for time when it comes to helping kids out with school activities and their studies. But with a supportive family to back you, all the little problems of being a working mother get ironed out easier.

Is the business landscape in India is changing for women?

Over the recent years, corporate groups in India have been seeing women hold top positions. It is inspiring to know that more organisations give their women members an equal opportunity to grow and move up the ladder.

Governments in various states are also encouraging the professional and financial growth of their women. Women entrepreneurs are changing the face of business houses with their vibrant ideas and sensitivity to the customers’ needs. Corporate bodies are now on the lookout for people who can deliver the goods, be it a man or a woman.

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