Express Healthcare

ASSOCHAM’S 10th Knowledge Summit to unveil report on “Innovations in healthcare”

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Rising healthcare costs coupled with limited healthcare spend has prompted the need for transforming the Indian health care ecosystem. The need of the hour is to innovate and deliver a health enterprise which offers a sustainable business model coupled with a delivery mechanism for quality and affordable healthcare for all. An all inclusive framework engaging the government, heath care service providers, insurance companies, NGOs etc needs to leverage on the advancements of technology solutions like telemedicine etc. to deliver innovative solutions for the masses.

ASSOCHAM, along with their knowledge partners, Healthcursor Consulting Group are going to unveil a report which offers practical and actionable insights into delivering innovations in healthcare. The summit “Curing the Incurables: Sharing of Innovations” to be held on January 16 in New Delhi aims to deliberate on the innovative methods to cure all chronic and incurable diseases by sharing of innovations in healthcare.

Healthcursor consulting Group CEO, Dr, Ruchi Dass states that this report is a practical document and the concepts, case studies and knowledge summaries highlighted in this report aim to help policy makers and program managers deliver self sustainable healthcare models which thrive on efficiency, productivity and best practices suitable for the Indian environment. Dr Dass is a renowned name in ICT driven healthcare globally and has been a jury to the GSMA’s Best mHealth awards in Barcelona, Spain since its inception in 2009.

A considerable amount of time has been spent in  amalgamating the vast amounts of knowledge banks from the different actors in the healthcare ecosystem to present an innovation led heath care vision 2020 for India. The report envisages the theme of “Curing the Incurables-sharing of Innovations” for the 10th Millennium summit of ASSOCHAM and is titled as “Innovations in Healthcare”.

Dr D S Rawat, Secretary General ASSOCHAM mentioned in his address that delivering affordable healthcare to India’s billion-plus people presents enormous challenges and opportunities for the medical community, insurers and other service providers. Innovative technologies, processes and partnerships forged by the Indian government and private companies have begun bridging the health care gap and shall continue to do so with the active support of Government of India. He thanked HealthCursor Consulting Group for its wonderful effort in putting up this report.

HealthCursor Consulting Group is a niche TechHealth strategy consulting firm serving clients across Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific. The Company is a part of mHealth Alliance and is a member to HIMSS Asia Pac. Its efforts have made to the GSMA’s Best mHealth Awards jury in Barcelona, IPIHD Top innovators list with World Economic Forum and UN’s Millennium development goals expert committee volunteers as well.

The event is expected to draw attendance of the who’s who in the industry with Noble Laureates like Prof.Aaron Ciechanover, Recipient of Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for his revolutionary work on characterising the method that cells use to degrade and recycle proteins using ubiquitin; President of India Honourable Shri Pranav Mukherjee ; Dr Ruchi Dass, CEO HealthCursor Consulting Group India; Dr Rana Kapoor, Founder, Managing Director and CEO, Yes Bank and Padma Bhushan Dr B K Rao, Chairman, Knowledge Millennium Committee, Ex –Chairman, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as keynote speakers.

EH News Bureau

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