Express Healthcare

Infosys wins global award for innovation in osteoporosis diagnosis

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Infosys, a global leader in technology, consulting and outsourcing solutions, has been recognised as a winner in the 2014 Simulating Reality contest. The contest was organised by MSC Software, a worldwide leader of multidisciplinary simulation solutions. The winning team from Infosys used MSC’s simulation technologies to better diagnose osteoporosis and accurately quantify fracture risk.

The innovative solution designed by Infosys applies the proven principles of mechanical engineering to understand the biomechanics of the human vertebrae and reduce the scope of errors in estimating fracture risks.

Sudip Singh, VP and Global Head, Engineering Services, Infosys said, “Our engineering capabilities for the life sciences industry focus not only on innovation but also on improving existing medical procedures and processes. This breakthrough in reimagining osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment provides medical practitioners with a new, comprehensive, and non-invasive way to examine individual bones and skeletal structure, and determine the best course of action. As the technology is tested and adopted, our engineers will continue to refine the solution to attain greater visibility into patients’ condition and progress.”

EH News Bureau

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