Express Healthcare

LSI Finance conducts ‘Private Equity Investments in Healthcare Sector’ seminar in Chennai

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The Indian Healthcare industry is on a robust growth path and is likely to reach $155 billion in revenue by 2017. Considering this exciting canvas, LSI Financial Services organised the “Private Equity Investments in Healthcare Sector” seminar in Chennai.

This seminar witnessed significant gathering of India’s healthcare entrepreneurs and executives, leading private equity fund managers, venture capitalists, bankers, advisors and management consultants to discuss the dynamics of PE investment opportunities in the Indian healthcare sector.

The important aspects discussed during the seminar were:

  1. What drives PE funds to favour healthcare units?
  2. How do the healthcare units grow on PE fund support?
  3. What are the valuations expected in such transactions?
  4. What are the pains and gains for both the parties in a healthcare PE deal?
  5. How does the future of the PE investment look like in the healthcare sector?

With the healthcare industry booming in India, this unique initiative was received very well. The seminar comprised of panel discussions led by experienced CEOs and investors and a high quality audience analysing the opportunities and challenges in this space.

Rajya Vardhan Kajaria, Managing Director, LSI Financial Services said, “LSI is delighted to organise such an insightful forum. There is a huge demand supply gap in healthcare delivery business in India. Consequently, we believe that sourcing of funds to enable the healthcare sector to grow and meet the unfulfilled demand is a critical knowledge factor. The investment seminar is arranged to map out the opportunities in this sector”.

EH News Bureau

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