Express Healthcare

Metropolis Healthcare urges the youth to opt for healthy living

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On the occasion of National Youth Day, Metropolis Healthcare urged the youth to adopt a healthy lifestyle and going for a regular health check up to help identify people who are at a greater risk of diseases so that preventive measures can be adopted before the onset of a disease.

A recent survey conducted on World Health Day by Metropolis Healthcare, with blood samples of men and women of the 25-45 age group, tested for cholesterol (total) serum, triglycerides level in serum, HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) serum and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) serum to evaluate risk factors for coronary diseases, reveals that high number of youngsters already have alarmingly high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Among those surveyed, 25 per cent men were found to be suffering from high or abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in their blood stream. This prevalence is alarming as a study conducted by the South Asian Health Centre among Asian Indian men showed that half of all heart attacks in this population occur under the age of 50 years, and 25 per cent under the age of 40.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is the type of cholesterol that contributes to the blocking of arteries. Other reasons to consider regular health check ups are having a parent with early heart disease, having diabetes, or when diet and exercise alone are not working.

While diabetes has for long been seen as a disorder affecting the middle-aged, the young population in the city is slowly falling prey to this disease. According to International Diabetes Federation, 371 million people in the world live with diabetes with 63 million people living in India, making our country the diabetic capital of the world(it ranks 2nd at present). In India the prevalence of diabetes has increased to 12-18 per cent in urban India and three to six per cent in rural India. Moreover, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a mounting problem in India and another 14 per cent of the Indian population has pre-diabetes in India, a harbinger of future diabetes.

All these figures reiterate the fact that youngsters need to be proactive about their health and get preventive health checkups done at regular intervals of time.

EH News Bureau

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