Express Healthcare

‘Review and refine government systems for greater transparency’

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The following measures need to be taken on various fronts to improve healthcare in India:

Healthcare spending by the government

  • Revise health allocations with significant increases
  • Ensure adequate allocation of resources for health in view of evidence-based research
  • Review and refine government systems for greater transparency
  • Establish robust monitoring systems

Medical devices and disposables

  • Facilitate reuse of devices without compromising quality
  • Regulatory mechanisms for affordable pricing and access of devices
  • Regulate stringent environmentally friendly mechanisms for disposal of used equipment

Taxation policy for hospitals and healthcare providers

  • Tax relief for healthcare providers on the use of all resources such as water, electricity etc
  • Tax relief for healthcare institutions in various policies


  • Strengthen structured insurance programmes to benefit insurance provider, service provider and patient
  • Promote affordable health insurance for the over 65-year old population
  • Affordable health insurance for chronic illnesses

Public health policies

  • Promote ‘Universal Health Coverage’
  • Mainstream policies for senior citizens welfare in all ministries
  • Strengthen implementation of programmes for vulnerable sections (widows, disabled, patients with chronic conditions etc)
  • Policies for affordability of healthcare services
  • Policies to improve accessibility of healthcare services
  • Policies to enhance CSR engagement in health services
  • Promote health research

Public private participation

  • Promote health research
  • Simplify government processes to increase and improve PPP coordination
  • More opportunities for PPPs
  • Improved and simplified monitoring mechanisms to assess outcome of PPPs
  • Tax benefits for private agencies for association in policy agendas

Dr Alexander Thomas, Director (CEO), Bangalore Baptist Hospital

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