Express Healthcare

Rockland Hospitals launch preventive healthcare initiatives in Delhi

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The Rockland Hospitals Group organised ROCKATHON at Dwarka, Delhi recently to launch its preventive healthcare programmes. ROCKATHON is a first in a series of events to promote the concept of preventive healthcare through various forms of sports, life style correction and exercising. This is a part of the Rockland’s phase wise plans of ensuring prevention and early diagnosis in case of any form of sickness to ensure that the patients are treated at the right time and right place. Reportedly, Rockland is linking up with a large number of primary healthcare centres, RWAs and village heads in the Delhi NCR to educate people on the benefits of preventive healthcare and early diagnosis of diseases.

An increased level of stress and a sedentary life style is causing a number of health problems which adversely affect appetite, sleep quality and eventually begin to affect the entire body. Even the young in their teens are getting affected by life style diseases. “Today’s youth is technologically equipped and globally aware. But at the same time, in the current scenario, it is easy for them to pick up bad habits at a young age. Many tend to develop habits like smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, etc. To distract the youth from such harmful activities, it is necessary to make them aware about the harmful results of such bad habits. At the same time it is important to encourage them to practice sports and other physical activities,” said Pranav Srivastava, Director, Rockland Group.

Next in the series of Rockland sponsored events is the SAMBA style Football open to all age groups at the Thyagraj Stadium on April 26-27, 2014.

EH News Bureau

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