Kartik Johari, Vice President, Nobel Hygiene, pens down his thoughts on the need of including adult diapers as a part of PPE kit for the COVID-19 workforce
COVID has hit everyone around the world, with a sense of either despair or gratitude, depending on one’s position in society. Nevertheless, a common emotion across the globe is to persevere. Endurance is now the mantra; and as bleak as the environment seems now, there is a separate war being fought in India, where everyone has picked sides, with or against doctors.
India‘s healthcare practitioners are an invaluable resource, and are the true #coronawarriors, who have pledged their life to the people and the nation. Would you abandon your family, friends, home and comforts, and persist against COVID where it is at its strongest, most infectious peak? Most of you reading would balk at the prospect of leaving your home and are already uncomfortable with your ineffective masks. Working a 12-hour shift in battle armour, and doing so everyday, is a true act of heroism. Further, with acts of prolonged heroism, there comes a product which is oft-ignored: an adult diaper.
Humans need to use the toilet. Yet, this very basic human requirement is often ignored, especially in India. Case in point, at a newly developed quarantine facility in Delhi, no provisions for toilets were made. Do we think about where our long-haul truckers, or traffic policemen, or our ubiquitous delivery boys relieve themselves? Similarly, for doctors, now in midst of a war, adult diapers should be an indispensable part of their kit.
Doctors in Wuhan have mentioned on camera, of how the hospitals provided everyone with adult diapers during their shifts. Each adult diaper doubled the performance of every PPE kit; ensuring that the doctor doesn’t need to remove it in mid-shift to use the restroom. Similar measures are being followed in the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and other notable hospitals across the country.
Adult Diapers are an indispensable part of an Indian healthcare practitioners war-kit. A well-functioning diaper stays comfortable while offering prolonged and complete protection to the users, so the doctors can continue saving lives. We are proud to support our nation through our products at such times and will continue to support as this era of disposable hygiene gets stronger.
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