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Family approach to cope with young diabetics — Dr GV Chanukya, Senior Endocrinologist, Gleneagles Global Hospital


Dr GV Chanukya, Senior Endocrinologist, Gleneagles Global Hospital, talks about diabetes control among young patients and how families can play an important role to support their children

World Diabetes Day is celebrated across the globe in memory of the announcement of insulin discovery. Since that day, insulin has been saving billions of lives since its inception. On this day, I would recommend everyone to inculcate a regular exercise pattern in daily routine, eating healthy diet which is more of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

The primary goals to treat diabetes patients are to maintain proper metabolic control and to reduce the risks of health complications. Family support can influence the patients’ ability to adjust and live with illness and can benefit patients’ health by cushioning stress, changing affective states, increasing self confidence, and prompting change in negative health behaviours.

Parents and children of all ages with diabetes need support from their doctors, which will help patients to understand diabetes management and effective emotional coping. In order to manage diabetes effectively, adolescent patients, parents and doctors should jointly work out a treatment plan that precisely matches the capabilities of the adolescent.

Family sensitivities have an impact on diabetes management and metabolic control in children and adolescents. Diabetes is a family disease. When diabetes is detected in a child, other family members are also affected. Diabetes is not different from any other chronic diseasex. But it is totally unique. There is no other chronic illness for which so much of the daily disease management responsibility rests with patients and their families.

Doctors, dietitians and experts give important source of information, provide expertise and support on a daily basis to children suffering from diabetes. Family functions have a great impact on managing diabetes and metabolism of the diabetes patients. It is quite difficult to guide adolescent patients to carry out the requirements of effective diabetes self-management meticulously. A family helps to introduce a sense of self-assurance and skill about the managing the disease.

It is essential for doctors to help children suffering from diabetes and their parents to accomplish logic and balance. It will help them to have a good health without the feeling that they have to compromise their good life. Parents should also help their children on self care.

Diabetes is a complicated disease and requires extremely effective medical management. Young diabetic patients and their parents also face psychological problems that can be overcome with the help of support groups, camps, lectures and additional education for both parents and children who have diabetes.

Young and very young diabetic patients constantly require support from parents. Parents should understand how difficult it is for children to manage diabetes and for the same should appreciate the way the children handle the condition, medicines and situation. Parents should be realistic, firm, and supportive, all at once.

Families need to establish themselves in a way that will make young diabetic patients feel supported in their diabetes management efforts. This supportive family ambiance is essential to achieve best results for the patients.

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