Express Healthcare

Express Healthcare’s series on Indian Stents: Get Updated!

First web series on Indian Stents: Get updated!

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Growing significance of quality medical devices at affordable prices within India has brought about a paradigm shift and has proved to be extremely beneficial for the sector in two crucial ways- made the market more competitive with increased accessibility of high quality stents and pushed Indian manufacturers to start investing in clinical research in order to improve quality of stents.

In keeping with this, Express Healthcare launches its first web series on Indian Stents- Get updated! This series consist of interactive interviews with leading national and international research experts and interventional cardiologists who share insights on the latest developments in India’s journey in cardiovascular stenting and research work around it. These experts also share tips on CVD management and healthy living.

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  1. fitnesshealthforever says

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  2. MGI India says

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  3. WeRStupid says

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  4. Krishnan says

    A great article about the recent trends. Great work. Keep up the good work buddy. Cheers, Krishnan.

  5. Ram says

    Awesome Write! Cardiac ilness is something disgusting! You gave a great value for readers!

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