Express Healthcare

Industrial Association with Start-ups: The Kerala scenario

Ashok Kurian Panjikaran

Ashok Kurian Panjikaran, Manager-I, Kerala Start Up Mission began by explaining the prime focus of his organisation. He explained that the Kerala Start-up Mission is a government-run organisation that promotes start ups within the state. The organisation incubates these companies right and connects them to the industry.

He elaborated on technology start-up policy implemented by the organisation to encourage entrepreneurs including students starting from standard eight. He informed that the Mission has tied-up with 157 colleges and are also trying to get more industry participation. He highlighted that the Mission has incubation and accelerator facilities as well a huge campus exclusively for these start ups. He further informed, “The aim is to encourage companies to collaborate with start ups where problems can be identified and solutions be developed.”

He finally explained the different ways in which corporates can associate with these start ups. The ways included conducting hackathons, providing funds, providing infrastructure facilities and incubating some start ups. He summed up by giving more details about the healthcare start ups that are being incubated at the Mission.

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