Express Healthcare

Value of NT-proBNP and Troponin in diagnosis & therapy management of heart failure patients

Tue, 29 September, 2020 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM IST

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Express Healthcare in partnership with Radiometer Medical organised a live panel discussion on the Value of NT-proBNP and Troponin in diagnosis and therapy management of heart failure patients on September 29, 2020; WORLD HEART DAY

Four experts in cardiology and emergency services shared their experiences with cardiac biomarkers and discussed their importance as a POC diagnostic tool in Emergency Departments (ED), their role in accurately diagnosing Acute Heart Failure (AHF) even while it can be confused with other clinical conditions and therefore suggested the optimal triage of patients with suspected AHF in the ED.

This video features a panel discussion with the following panelists, moderated by Viveka Roychowdhury, Editor, Express Healthcare:

  • Dr. Sandeep Gore, Director, Emergency Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, Mumbai
  • Dr. (Col) Suvasish Chakraberty, Director, Emergency & Trauma Services, Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
  • Dr. Kiron Verghese, Professor and Head, Department Of Cardiology, Chief Interventional Cardiologist, St John’s Medical College, Bangalore
  • Dr. Sanjukta Dutta, Consultant and Head, Emergency Medicine Department, Fortis Hospital, Kolkata

The panel also discussed which other biomarkers could be considered for the diagnosis of patients with AHF and whether making use of quantitative troponins both I or T & NTproBNP on the same platform enhances the way a patient is managed in EDs.

Finally, the panel discussed if an age specific cut-off should be used for excluding acute heart failure as well as the other indications for testing NT proBNP.

The eminent panel discussed why NT-proBNP is more suitable to use and can aid in the correct identification and selection of patients who need an ECG study as well as guide future treatment pathways. In addition, it results in an optimisation of healthcare resources for patients at risk of adverse events allowing for intensified care.

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