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Dr Kusum S Chand awarded Dr Roger Prize

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Dr Kusum S Chand

Dr Kusum S Chand, Senior Consultant & HOD, Homeopathy at Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Ghaziabad, has won Dr Roger Prize for Best Poster Presentation (among 83 entries) in London. For the last 12 years, she has been actively working on the role of Homeopathy in treatment of multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (TB) as a project initiated by the Government of Delhi. She was able to establish that homeopathy has a definite role in treatment of TB, especially in cases where allopathic treatment fails due to various side effects.

The topic was ‘Homeopathy in the Treatment of Tuberculosis: Clinical Experience’. Dr Chand is a post graduate in Medicine from Maulana Azad Medical College, University of Delhi. She has been associated with Nehru Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi; as professor of Medicine for over 25 years. She is also a member of Faculty of Homeopathy, London for 18 years. She has the experience of integrating homeopathy with main stream medicine, allopathy for over 30 years. She has been actively involved with homeopathy in the treatment of tuberculosis and life style disorders like diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital expressed it pride in Dr Chand’s recognition and declared that her achievement is a matter of pride the country as a whole.

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