Express Healthcare

68 per cent smokers reduced cigarette consumption during COVID-19 lockdown: Indus Health Plus survey

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39 per cent of total respondents were females and 61 per cent were males between age group of 30-45 years

Indus Health Plus conducted a three week consumer survey to understand the smoking behaviour and pattern during the lockdown. Out of the total respondents, 39 per cent were females and 61 per cent males between the age group of 30 to 45 years. The sample size of the survey was 837 (Timeframe: May 8-29).

The survey revealed that 68 per cent of smokers have reduced their consumption due to increased selling prices of cigarettes by retailers / shopkeepers and its unavailability. While 39 per cent of males and 25 per cent of females have succeeded in reducing tobacco consumption in any form; 32 per cent of smokers have increased their consumption of cigarettes. It has increased due to the stress of managing work from home and household chores, social distancing, and a lot of free time for a few people. 37 per cent of the respondents mentioned that lockdown is a good opportunity to quit, while 42 per cent said that it would help them reduce consumption.

Amol Naikawadi, Preventive Healthcare Specialist, Indus Health Plus says, “We have observed a significant change in people’s tobacco consumption pattern during this lockdown. Moreover, this lockdown has given an opportunity for people to find avenues to quit smoking and live a healthy life. We hope post lockdown people will continue this pattern of modified habits. Besides, it is imperative that people should realise the value of prevention to improve their health and acknowledge the harmful effects of smoking that results into cancer and other lifestyle diseases.”

The survey also revealed that the best and preferred place to smoke these days is the balcony. Almost 8 per cent of smokers smoke inside their homes while 27 per cent smoke outside their society campus smoke because their family is present. Moreover, after meal craving for a cigarette is the highest followed by the craving for a smoke before sleep. The respondents of this survey were majorly from metros along with Tier-II cities of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

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