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Abbott shakes up dual chamber leadless pacemaker space with AVEIR DR system: GlobalData

Abbott's AVEIR DR dual chamber leadless pacemaker disrupts the market, capturing significant share from Medtronic and setting new benchmarks in cardiac care

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Abbott Laboratories’ AVEIR DR dual chamber leadless pacemaker system incorporates several cutting-edge technologies that not only improve patient outcomes but also sets a new standard in the management of heart rhythm disorders. Since receiving FDA approval in July 2023, Abbott has acquired approximately 30-40 per cent of share from Medtronic in the dual chamber leadless pacemaker space, according to GlobalData.

Joselia Carlos, Senior Medical Device Analyst at GlobalData, states, “Leadless pacemakers’ ability to reduce complications, simplify the implantation process, and enhance patient comfort are what make them more superior than traditional pacemakers. For years, Medtronic was the only manufacturer of leadless pacemakers with its Micra pacemaker family, bolstering the company as the top player in the pacemaker market. However, Abbott ‘s launch of its AVEIR leadless pacemaker product line has since shaken up the space.”

The AVEIR DR possesses features that make it a better option for patients than Medtronic’s Micra AV2 dual chamber leadless pacemaker. Unlike the Micra AV2 system, which can only deliver ventricular therapy, the AVEIR DR can achieve both ventricular and atrial therapy. Additionally, due to the AVEIR DR’s ease of retrievability, it will potentially become the pacemaker of choice for younger patients, who will likely receive a replacement sometime in their lifetime.

“The Micra AV2 can only address a limited portion of needs in the pacemaker market; however, the AVEIR DR can cover 95 per cent of the indications in the market, and potentially even more. By strategically tackling indications that the Micra AV2 was not able to, Abbott successfully acquired shares from Medtronic,” adds Carlos.

According to GlobalData, the dual chamber leadless pacemaker market is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9 per cent in value between 2024 and 2033, while the market value of traditional dual chamber pacemakers is forecasted to grow by a mere CAGR of 2.7 per cent. Despite the numerous advantages of leadless pacemakers, there are still several barriers to their widespread adoption.

Carlos concludes, “Leadless pacemakers’ adoption rate is hindered by a combination of cost, the need for specialised training, and need for more long-term data. As these challenges are addressed, leadless pacemakers will likely become a more common and preferred option for patients with heart rhythm disorders.”

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