This new PC-IOL is now available to Indian ophthalmologists for their patients undergoing cataract surgery
Alcon has announced the commercial launch of presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (PC-IOL) with wavefront-shaping technology – the AcrySof® IQ Vivity® IOL (Vivity®). This new PC-IOL is now available to Indian ophthalmologists for their patients undergoing cataract surgery. Cataracts usually impact older adults and are often linked to presbyopia, which reduces the ability to view near objects and is the most common refractive disorder in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Vivity is the first and only extended depth of focus lens with Alcon’s proprietary X-WAVE™ technology, which stretches and shifts light without splitting it. Vivity delivers a continuous range of vision at various distances like monofocal-quality distance (far) with excellent intermediate (at arm’s length, e.g., reading the newspaper, working on laptop) and functional near (up close, e.g., reading books, mobile phone), with a clinically proven exceptionally low rate of visual disturbances.
Commemorating World Sight Day on October 14, Vivity aims to meet the needs of cataract patients interested in enhanced visual performance, reduced spectacle dependence while enabling for more independence.
Vivity expands Alcon’s growing portfolio of PC-IOLs and is built on Alcon’s AcrySof IQ IOL platform with implants exceeding 125 million eyes globally. According to results from two large independent clinical trials, patients who had the Vivity lens implanted experienced renewed vision and lifestyle benefits. Vivity patients reported 20/20 vision at a distance, more than 20/25 at intermediate and 20/32 for near vision.
Additionally, 94% and 92% of Vivity patients reported superior vision at distance and arm’s length, respectively, without glasses in bright light.
Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss globally and the primary cause of preventable blindness in India. Cataract surgery involves removing the clouded natural crystalline lens followed by a replacement with an intraocular lens (IOL). The prevalence of cataracts in India is 9.9 million; each year, 6.5 million surgeries are performed by around 12,200 cataract surgeons.
Among the 6.5 million undergoing cataract surgery in India, 90% of patients continue to depend on glasses for most of their daily activities even after surgery. An independent survey revealed that 95% of these patients expressed the willingness to get rid of glasses after the surgery. Sadly, despite the desire, there are several barriers. One of the significant barriers is the limitation of the current technology to address the visual needs of all patient groups.
Shalav Modi, Country Franchise Head, Surgical, and Country Manager, Alcon Laboratories India said, “Traditional IOLs typically address distance vision. The new generation of seniors spend significant time with technology screens like phones, tablets and computers, and currently experience a massive gap in near and intermediate vision post-surgery. Vivity addresses this gap and the desire of patients who want to get rid of cataracts and presbyopia at the same time. As a result, patients can be less dependent on glasses for most activities, post-surgery, enhancing their visual satisfaction and quality of life.”
Vivity is the first and only non-diffractive presbyopia-correcting IOL with minimum visual disturbance profile. Unlike conventional presbyopia-correcting IOLs, which split light, Vivity utilises almost all of the light energy, providing good vision quality in all lighting conditions. It is approved by the Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO).
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