CMC Hospital Ludhiana deploys AI-powered stroke care solution by in partnership with Medtronic
This initiative aims to elevate stroke care and diagnosis in Punjab announced its latest hub and spoke network deployment at CMC Hospital, Ludhiana in partnership with Medtronic India. This initiative aims to elevate stroke care and diagnosis in Punjab. The Hub-and-Spoke model, where CMC Ludhiana serves as the central hub and periphery hospitals as spokes is one of the many crucial deployments across the country.
As part of the collaboration, CMC Ludhiana will establish a network of spoke hospitals across Punjab to create an efficient network of periphery hospitals, connected to the central hub, giving every connected spoke site, equal access to the neurocritical care team function at CMC Ludhiana. CMC Ludhiana is the first advanced stroke center certified by the World Stroke Organisation. Moreover, it is also a Collaborating Center of Excellence for stroke research under the Indian Council of Medical Research.
A company statement informed that at the heart of the collaboration is’s AI-enabled head CT solution – qER. It added, “The deep learning-based software has the ability to process the CT scan and provide comprehensive findings within three minutes. The network of hub & spoke is established on the care coordination platform – Qure App, facilitating seamless coordination between hub & spokes. When a suspected stroke patient is admitted to a spoke hospital, qER swiftly processes their CT scan using AI. In the event of critical findings, a real-time alert is promptly sent to the hub site’s specialised stroke team along with annotated findings on the CT scan, facilitating seamless communication between the hub and spoke teams via the Qure App. In case of advanced interventions like thrombectomy, the spoke team is promptly guided to transfer the patient to the hub site. The benefits are clear: faster triaging, access to real-time information, and seamless hub & spokes coordination.”
Christian Medical College (CMC), Ludhiana, anticipates an annual footfall of hundreds of stroke patients at its spoke sites, reinforcing its commitment to delivering accessible and comprehensive healthcare services. Furthermore, they have also conducted a thorough analysis of patient demographics that revealed an average age of 59 ± 15 years and a predominantly middle-class socioeconomic background. This data underscores CMC’s dedication to tailoring healthcare solutions to the specific needs of its community. Additionally, the network’s potential coverage area extends to the Ludhiana district.
qER is FDA, CE MDR cleared, with approval from multiple national regulators. The Qure App facilitates critical care coordination with timely alerts.
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