Express Healthcare

Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal conducts basic life support training programme in Bengaluru


The event was for traffic police personnel and school bus drivers in the city

Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal conducted the first session of basic life support (BLS) training programme for Bengaluru traffic police and school bus drivers at Traffic Training & Road Safety Institution. This was a part of a five-day training programme during which the hospital plans on training at least 500 people. Reportedly, around 70 traffic police personnel and school bus drivers from the city took the first step in being good samaritans by learning the much needed basic life-saving steps in case of any road traffic accident or other emergencies. The programme was organised by Traffic Training & Road Safety.

Speaking to the traffic policemen and school bus drivers during the training, Dr Ceema, Casualty Medical Officer, Columbia Asia Hospital – Hebbal said, “Mostly the steps we take in haste while attending to an emergency, makes a deep-rooted impact in saving the life of the patient. Thus it is vital for all to learn the BLS techniques, so that we can take the right measures when required. These are simple steps like chest compression and for this you don’t need to be an expert in medicine to take these steps.”

This training is expected to help them learn special skills required to deal with emergencies faced by accident victims. Skills to perform cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) through chest compressions, maintaining accident victims breathing by providing appropriate rescue breaths, relieving choking, etc can help increase chances of survival and hence save many lives. Trained doctors from the hospital will use videos, practice demos, presentations; etc. to impart these skills and the participants can get hands on experience as well, informed the hospital.

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