Express Healthcare

Debunking myths around breast cancer

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Dr Gowri Kulkarni, Head of Medical Operations, MediBuddy talks about myths around breast cancer and recent technologies for its treatment and diagnosis

Cancer occurs when changes called mutations to occur in genes that regulate cell growth. These mutations cause the cells to divide and multiply in an uncontrolled manner.

Breast cancer is cancer that is a malignant tumour that has developed either through the lobules or the ducts of the breast. It can also develop in the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within your breast. Over time, the uncontrolled cancer cells can invade other healthy breast tissue and travel to the lymph nodes under the arms, small organs that filter out foreign substances in the body. If cancer cells get into the lymph nodes, they then have a pathway into other parts of the body.

The earliest breast cancer is detected, it’s easier to treat. The use of advanced technology by medical practitioners is playing a vital role in the detection of it. The various kinds of technology used by doctors for diagnostic and treatment of breast cancers are ultrasound, mammograms, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), MRI guided breast biopsy, PET/CT scan, bone scan etc. There are many kinds of treatments available depending on the specific case, how far has it spread, kind of breast cancer etc. Depending on the case the treatment methodologies like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, biological and hormonal therapy are methods followed by doctors to help treat the patient.

Signs and symptoms

Breast cancer in the early stages may not show any symptoms. In many instances, the lump may be too small to be noticed but would be detected through a mammogram. However, if you do feel the development of a new lump that didn’t exist before, that is usually the first symptom of cancer. Although not all lumps detected will be cancerous in nature.

The following are the most common symptoms of breast cancer:

  • Swelling near your armpits and collarbone.
  • Nipple discharge
  • Changes noticed in nipple
  • Changes in texture, size, and contours of your breast

Common misconceptions about breast cancer:

Myth-Men can’t get breast cancer

Fact –The instances and cases of men being diagnosed with breast cancer are rare, with the disease being more common amongst women. But there is definitely a possibility, putting men at risk. The symptoms are much alike women’s breast cancer such as the formation of lumps, discharge from the nipple, changes around the nipple or skin such as redness, scaling, etc. While chances of men developing breast cancer are more common in the older population, it can occur at any age. It is advisable that men immediately consult a doctor if they are facing any such symptoms.

Myth-Using deodorants can increase the chances of women catching breast cancer

Fact – The theory that is doing the rounds on the internet stating that the chemicals used in deodorants and anti-perspirants sweep into your pores and increase the risk of cancer has no merit to it. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory. However, women are instructed not to wear deodorant before conducting a mammogram. As there is a possibility that the deodorant may have ingredients such as aluminium which may show up in the X-ray image as white spots.

Myth- Only individuals with a family history of breast cancer are at risk of breast cancer

Fact – While individuals who have an existing history of breast cancer in the family are more vulnerable and at risk of getting the disease. However, that does not eliminate the chances of other individuals to develop breast cancer.

Myth-All lumps formed in the chest are cancerous

Fact – No, not all lumps formed in the chest are cancerous. It is common among women to have lumps caused by fluid-filled sacs called cysts or by an accumulation of scar-like tissue. However, it is best that you consult with your doctor when you discover any lumps before ruling out the possibility of the lump being cancerous.

Myth-Pain in the breast can be a symptom of cancer

Fact – Lumps may cause discomfort, but most cancerous lumps are painless and are a reason why breast cancer goes undetected in many cases.

Myth-Wearing black or underwired bras can lead to breast cancer

Fact – The colour or the type of bra you wear has nothing to do with an individual developing cancer.

Myth-Only older women can get breast cancer

Fact –While breast cancer is commonly diagnosed in women above their 40s, all age groups are at risk for breast cancer.

If you notice any symptoms or abnormalities in your chest area, it is best to get it examined by a doctor and wait for his advice and judgement. Early detection in most cases can help start the course of treatment immediately, minimising damage, the spread of cancer and increasing the rate of survival.

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